I can't whistle. Sad but true. When I starred in The King and I, they had to get a person to whistle into a microphone offstage while I pursed my lips. It looked as bad as you think it did. So I was fascinated by this new mashup by DJ Earworm, "Whistle While You Mash It." (I'm not embedding this video because it wasn't made by Earworm, and has some random visuals.)

The main track is "Whistle (While You Work It)" by Katy Tiz (pictured above), which I had never actually heard before listening to the mashup. Earworm includes whistling samples from Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger," Foster the People's "Pumped Up Kicks," and a few others. It's a great idea for a mashup, and it's certainly well put together, but there are so many other great whistling songs that could have been included - I was fairly disappointed in the limited number of samples. Where is "(Sitting on the) Dock of the Bay"? "Jealous Guy"? "The Big Bang"? Even "Whistle" by Flo Rida seems conspicuously absent.
Am I being unfair to expect every DJ Earworm mix to include a long list of songs like his "United States of Pop" mixes do?