I haven't gone fishin'. But I have gone publishin', which explains my absence from this blog as of late.

I wrote a chapter for this book, The Routledge Handbook of Remix Studies and Digital Humanities, which was published last spring. My chapter, entitled "Popular Song Remixed: Mashups, Aesthetic Transformation, and Resistance" was actually based on ideas that I first explored in this blog! I begin the chapter by talking about the sculptural mashup of Charging Bull/Fearless Girl, and end it with a section on Tim Klein's puzzle mashups. It ended up being a great reminder of why I keep the blog in the first place - it's a great germination chamber for ideas that aren's quite fully-formed yet, but may have greater potential for a future talk/publication/project.
Currently I'm in the middle of writing another book chapter, and I also have a forthcoming video article -- BOTH based on other ideas first articulated here! The thing that's taking most of my time these days, however, is a NEW, EXCITING music theory textbook that I'm co-authoring with Brad Osborn (KU). Stay tuned for updates; it's going to be awesome!!